Archive for the Category "Testimonials"

Dec 27

What kind of catnip did you put in that Hello Kitty catnip blanket?  The postman left the package by our garage door, and before we could get down there to it, all of our outside cats had torn open the padded envelope and were working on the ziploc with the blanket inside. We managed to get to it before they got the blanket out or did any damage to it, and brought it inside in hopes of saving it for Christmas.  As soon as we did, our inside cats attacked it.  When we took it away, they attacked us.  Then they continued to climb and wallow on the counter where we had first laid the blanket down. And then they began attacking the Christmas card that had been inside the ziploc with the blanket. Attached is a photo of what is left of the card. We finally hid the blanket in the basement stairwell and now they are trying to break through the basement door. That isn’t catnip–that’s kitty heroin!

Mike Penninton

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Nov 04
OK, all my kitteh friends!!!! You always say you have blankets & toys for Ms. Mimi Pipino. However, you fail to say how how GREAT they are!!!!! For some crazy reason, I thought 1 blanket & a toy would be ok for my gang!!!!!!! Not so much!!! They were fighting over the package, trying to chew it open, because the catnip smell was so strong!!!! So now, I have to put it away till I order more!!!! Thank you Mimi for such quality!!!
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